Most students would probably struggle to identify which type of question is most asked on the ACT English test. They might remember a lot of questions about commas, or maybe a few about pronouns or subject-verb agreement.
However, the number one most asked ACT English question is this (which I break down on YouTube here): properly placing sentences or phrases based on context. The key phrase here is based on context. A student MUST read everything in an ACT English passage: there is no skipping of sentences that don't have direct questions (because, again, greater context matters!).

Sometimes, the ACT mixes up the sentences a paragraph and asks the student to arrange them properly.
Sometimes a student has to determine the best opening sentence for a paragraph.
Sometimes a student has to determine the best closing sentence for a paragraph.
Sometimes a student has to take a sentence and place it in the best possible spot in a paragraph (or even the essay as a whole).
Sometimes a phrase has to be placed properly in a sentence or sentences.
Sometimes a sentence is proposed, and a student has to determine if it should enter at a certain place, and why or why not.
And on and on and on.
Because this type of question is hard to name, I think most people assume it is hard to practice. However, that's not the case. In my book, The ACT English System, not only do I teach this skill (which I call "Step 1", as it is most asked and thus most important), AND not only have I created practice passages that test and reinforce this skill and this skill alone, but I also reinforce this skill as the book moves along through Step 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. If you're going to use a book to prepare for this test, there is nothing like it.
If you want some free ACT prep cheat sheets that lay it all out in a few pages, then click here!